Potential Social Posts


Your Advocacy Matters

With over 400 English versions of the Bible and millions who have nothing, we invite you to #PrayForZero. 

Post about the unreached, Bibleless people group you've adopted. 

Invite others to adopt, pray, and post.

We live in a historical time where every single people group can be reached with God’s Word in the next decade. Visit prayforzero.com to adopt a Bibleless people group. Take a stand. Do your part. #PrayForZero

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There are over 2,000 people groups without access to any Scripture in their language. Together, let's #prayforZERO. Adopt a Bibleless people group at prayforzero.com

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Global Bible translation is crucial in evangelism and discipleship. Local churches grow when they have Scripture in a language they can understand. Adopt an unreached people group. Intercede for the Bibleless. Visit prayforzero.com #prayforZERO

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Your advocacy is making an eternal impact.

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Use your influence to impact unreached, Bibleless peoples.


© Pray for Zero 2019

Powered by Seed Company.